Professional coaching is the best way to support an individual, team, organisation and society to reach its purpose and potential.
"Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential
to maximize their own performance.
It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”
Financial Performance and Employee Engagement
An International Coach Federation (ICF) survey in 2014 of over 500 of the largest companies in the USA showed that coaching increases employees’ skills and competencies and has a long-lasting systemic impact on the ability to retain talent and the financial sustainability of an organisation.
Benefits of Individual Coaching
Coaching develops potential, improves performance dramatically and puts individuals on the fast track. This happens through developing personal leadership skills, setting smarter goals, reaching goals faster, making better decisions, and improving communication and relationships.
For the leader or senior executive, they will see clear and measurable results that could include:
Benefits for the organisation are likely to include:
Our executive coaching interventions offer a transformational approach to coaching rather than a transactional approach. This means our coaches work not only at the behavioural level but also on the individual's mindset and beliefs, which are the elements that make the difference between short-term change and long-term transformation.
Shifting an organisation along The Performance Curve requires a systemic change, leaders that are able to lead a transformation and communicate at all levels. It’s also not just about a single enlightened leader asking good questions, empowering and developing their team, it needs to happen all at once, in one big push.
We at SP4R bring our knowledge, understanding and expertise to the coaching relationship, yet we are highly sensitive about when we choose to facilitate the executive client to draw on their own knowledge and wisdom, and when we choose to input our perspective or ideas.
We are increasingly being requested by our clients to support them in developing a coaching culture in their organisation. This can only be achieved by establishing a coaching management style. We do so by thinking systemically; integrating our strategic organisation development expertise.
Nowhere in the Organisation Effectiveness and Development field is the individual competence of the person you chose to work with more critical. That’s why, here at SP4R, certification in Executive Coaching is so essential. All of our coaches have worked at senior levels in organisations, and are members of a recognised professional coaching body. All of our Coaches abide by the AC’s Code of Ethics and Practice.